UGC Creator

Taija Vaarala

I create eye-catching, authentic and relatable User-Generated-Content for brands on their social media channels and websites.

About Me

I’m Taija Vaarala, a 33-year-old mother of two living in Lapland, Finland. I am an ambitious content creator and storyteller. Planning, shooting and editing videos is my passion, and it’s when I feel most creative.

Thanks to my entrepreneurial background, I have a good understanding of how to engage an audience and convert them into paying customers. I know how to create valuable user-generated content (UGC) that captures interest and fosters interaction.





Previous Clients

Why UGC?

User Generated Content (UGC) is original brand specific ​content created by people and customers rather than ​brands. Content created by real people fosters ​trust. This is because user generated content is authentic, ​and authenticity resonates with consumers.


User-generated content comes in many forms including ​images, videos, reviews and testimonials.

90 %

of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support

79 %

of consumers say UGC ​impacts their purchasing ​decisions

Lähde: Stackla

How can I help you?

My goal is to help your business increase sales by creating compelling and engaging content for your company’s social media channels about your products or services. People trust authentic human experiences, which is why relatable content brings results.

Whether your need is to increase brand awareness, product marketing or general engagement, I’m here to help you achieve your goals.

I can produce content in both Finnish and English.

ulkoilu lifestyle ugc outdoors finland

Video Ads

Visually engaging videos for advertising on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. I plan and implement videos that attract attention and get the audience engaged.

Organic Content

Visually impressive video and image content for various social media channels to spark conversation, increase follower engagement, and strengthen your brand’s online presence.


Blog Posts

Blog posts are a great way to provide added value to your customers. I create informative, interesting and SEO-friendly blog posts that help your brand stand out from your competition.

"Excellent job! We will definitely order more videos from you! "


If you’re in need of high-quality UGC for your social media channels, feel free to reach out.

Let’s work together to plan a content solution that fits your needs perfectly!